Programs can't be installed in Ubuntu?


I installed Ubuntu Desktop on my new Raspberry Pi 4 today. After the installation I got several error messages, when I installed a program, the following error message came up in the installer:

Programs can t be installed in Ubuntu

I have already tried to install the following programs: Minecraft, Discord & Skype

Is there any way I can solve the problem?


This does not work because these programs are not available for ARM processors. But there's a special version of Minecraft for the Raspberry Pi called Minecraft Pi Edition:

If you want to use the Raspberry Pi e.g. To use Skype and Discord, you have to run Android on the Raspberry Pi. You can get it here: Then you can install it via the Google Play Store. Minecraft is also available as an Android version.


Yes, but I would like to have Ubuntu on my Raspberry, and as far as I've found out, the Minecraft Pi version is only for the Raspberry Pi operating system, but not for Ubuntu, right?


Also for the Raspberry Pi version of Ubuntu. The Pi Edition is for ARM processors. Just try it out.


OK, but how can I install it?


First install Java via the package manager:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre This is Java 8

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre This is Java 11

Install one of the two.

And this is how it works with Minecraft Pi Edition

You first download Minecraft Pi Edition from the site mentioned. You then have that as a tar.gz file. Then you go to the folder where you downloaded it, call up the terminal from there and unzip it with the command tar -zxvf * .tar.gz

Then enter the following: cd mcpi and then enter./minecraft-pi. If that doesn't work, you have to make the minecraft-pi file executable. Then Minecraft Pi Edition starts.


That's how I understood and done it, but an error message came up…

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