Can you install everything on linux Ubuntu?


I'm currently considering whether I'm going to switch from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu), as I'm no longer interested in Windows and generally find the design of Ubuntu much better, but there are 2 main questions:

1. So I mainly play on my PC, so I play games like Cod MW, Csgo, minecraft πŸ˜‚ and a few other games. But does linux (Ubuntu) offer me any disadvantages or maybe even advantages? So is Ubuntu suitable for gaming? I read on the internet that Ubuntu is the best Linux operating system for gaming, but I couldn't find out whether Ubuntu was worse or better than Windows for gaming.

2. I read somewhere that Linux (ubuntu) is more restricted in terms of downloads from the Internet. So can I download all games such as steam, uplay etc. On linux as well as on Windows, or are there any restrictions? And can I just get files from the Internet as normal on Windows? Or is it not that easy?


Linux is rather bad for gaming, and you can delete a lot as an inexperienced user, because theoretically you can access everything.


Steam has already ported various games to Linux. So it's much easier than 15 years ago - but the AAA titles at that time were mostly also available natively for Linux.

Steam is available for various Linux distributions "during the basic installation". I advise you against Manjaro β†’ Linux Mint (and as a bloody beginner rather than Ubuntu because it is a bit more convenient).


I have Windows 10 for gaming. I have Linux for work. Windows 10 is just easier if you want to play… But you could also play with Linux with Steam relatively easily.


Oh, and you can't delete anything on Windows?


Okay, thank you for the answer!


You are probably right when gaming, but the access rights can also be set so securely (actually better) than in Windows.


Install the Linux parallel to the Windows. Linux will always consider existing installations, not like selfish Windows.

Then you can test it yourself. It is always interesting.


The internal functioning of the operating systems is different, so Windows applications do not run under a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu.

With the help of emulators or runtime environments you can also use Windows applications under Linux.
Otherwise you could also run Windows in an

Can you install everything on linux Ubuntu or install it in parallel on the PC.

Steam is for Linux, but there are fewer games that are optimized for Linux.
Most games are developed for Windows, which is why Windows is more likely to be used in the gaming sector.

As far as I know, Minecraft also runs on Linux, at least the Java version.
CS: GO is also available for Linux on Steam.

You can also normally download things from the Internet with Linux. Downloaded Windows applications do not run easily, as I said.


1. So I mainly play on my pc

Then stay with WinDOS. Old computer wisdom: Mac is for working, Linux is for surfing and Windows is for solitair.