Do I have to update the processor?


I recently bought a used PC. It has an Intel core i5-6500 processor, but no graphics card. With this PC, however, I can't even manage 30 fps in Minecraft with the lowest graphics and I don't even need to touch other games. I would like to change that, but I have no idea how. I want to get a graphics card anyway, but do I have to buy a new processor? Do you have any recommendations for processor or graphics card?

Thanks in advance

P. S.: 60 to 90 fps are enough for me with normal graphics settings


Virtually any graphics card is better than no graphics card at all.


I wouldn't get a GT 710, because even the Intel onboard graphics is better


That is meant rather exaggerated


I'm aware, but not aware, that the questioner thinks any graphics card would be sufficient


Buy a graphics card and try it out. If you have a card, you can always upgrade your processor at a later date.

The 6500 should be sufficient in most games with cards up to the 9 series from Nvidia. So for example a 960 etc. You can use this processor to the max.

You can also buy a GTX1080TI or higher, for example. The processor can then probably not fully exhaust the card, but if you have money then you just upgrade the motherboard + CPU + RAM and you can then use the card completely.


Unfortunately, you can't expect a particularly high gaming performance from the Intel UHD 630 graphics unit. An Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 should actually go very well with the CPU, especially since I do not suspect a particularly powerful power supply unit in the PC.

Without extremely complex shader / texture packs and mods, Minecraft in FHD should then run quite well on the system and it should be sufficient for most "normal" games apart from the AAA graphics crackers.

You can keep the Core i5-6500 in the system for now.


A graphics card would be best. Since newer graphics cards are currently really expensive, you can get an older graphics card first. You can get a GTX 960, 970 cheaply. Got mine used for 40 euro and I'm amazed what else it can do. At times you can then continue to upgrade. But the graphics card would be most important first.


In games, the graphics do the arithmetic work.

The CPU is bored.