Effect that popular things are frowned upon?


Especially with games (Minecraft, Fortnite) but also other things, there's this effect that they are frowned upon because they are popular with others.

As a more recent example, you can take the game Fortnite quite well. The game which just became a third person shooter with colorful graphics, components and a Battle Royale mode came in the summer of 2018 in a right wing hype. It was not long before a large group of fortnite opponents or "haters" formed the game, without being able to argue for Brinen's sake as "garbage".

This effect was similar to a few years earlier at Minecraft watch, here the game was labeled as "Kiddies".

Now the real question: does this effect have a name and are there any studies on how it is created?


I would say that's part of the hype.

Let's take a game. What is not hyped. You do not like it, put it aside and never hear it again.

Now let's imagine it's a game being hyped up.

You hear it everywhere before. Memes Youtuber make it etc.

You look at it, try it and do not like it.

But you can hear more about it in every corner.

The social circles only talk about it and you yourself can't / do not like to participate.

One feels excluded or simply annoyed.

Then comes the hate etsorechend.

But you have to say that this is more of a youth phenomenon. I have not seen serious adults like that yet.

In the end, it falls into the category: "You like something I do not like, that's why I like you less / not."


I also already noticed and felt -----> but never taken seriously. For me, these are some Koofmichs and Kommissköppe who always need something to complain about and consider it as one of their most noble tasks, people to take their fun on anybody or any thing.

From my point of view, one should not take this seriously; Some simply need it and need it, they are really just regret. Often such gestures also express dissatisfaction or envy, and it often adds low self-esteem, according to the motto, everyone is better and therefore you have to poke or slander them… I do not think that such people have to "babble" the motto "here-in-there-out".


I guess you can call that opposition. This is in the nature of man.

No matter what it is, there will always be someone who opposes it. Some people also live according to the motto "no matter what, the main thing against it".

As far as games are concerned, some people are mentally ossified. They are not very good at playing themselves, so the game is just bad and over. In no case they are the losers themselves…

And sometimes it's just gang pressure. How many people already read the picture and / or like to listen to hits? "None" if you ask them publicly. Unless they have enough self-confidence to simply stand by their passions… No matter what supposed herd leaders think of it.

And with all the would-be paradise birds of today, it's not very popular to be just like everyone else. Somehow you have to delimit then again to be something special. Also as a group…

So it has a lot to do with feelings of inferiority when people talk so derogatory about something that is popular with many others.

This phenomenon is also part of the social change. Every generation redefines what is "grown up" and what is not. And even if there are individuals with broad interests, many of these interests are quite obvious… Fans of rock music, for example, not only like the music, but often also ride a motorcycle. So-called stereotypes give good information / a first overview of what values a group generally represents and what needs prevail.

This is often followed by political attitudes… Although here too, not always the egg in front of the chicken was there. Thanks to peer pressure, some people simply take on certain attitudes. In order to belong.