Is it possible to have an effect on armor in Minecraft (absorption)
If not, it is possible to give an armor name an effect with a command block, so that every armor with this name gives the effect.
As far as I know it is not possible or only with difficulty with a command block.
What is possible would be a plugin.
Should it be for a server?
Yes, it's possible. The question is whether you want to insert it into your world as a command block machine or as a file in your world.
I would also need an indication of what armor / armor parts should be affected and what effects if you want more than absorption you want.
It's not that difficult now
It is supposed to be for the breastplate
So I would do it with one click
It should be on a server but on a private server so it should be owned. Just check if you are wearing the armor and if so then give the effect
With this command, all players who have a breastplate called absorption have an absorption effect.
/ execute as @a [nbt = {Inventory: [{Slot: 102b, tag: {display: {Name: '{"text": "Absorption"}'}}}]}] run effect give @s minecraft: absorption 1 1 true
With this command, all players wearing this particular armor get absorption
/ execute as @a [nbt = {Inventory: [{tag: {give_absorption: 1b}}]}] run effect give @s minecraft: absorption 1 1 true
The Give Command for the breastplate
/ give @p minecraft: diamond_chestplate {give_absorption: 1b} 1
All commands except the give command must always be executed. You can do this with a repeating command block