How do you create a Minecraft in the following ways?

- in Launchers

In the Minecraft Launcher, the following button leads to an Explorer window in which you can save a zip file. How can you use it to create a server?


Here is a step by step guide to building a real server that is free.

The server

You download this file (This is an Optimized Mienecraft Server)
You pack this file in a blank or your choice
You double click on the file // this will create some files
You go to eula.txt and change "false" to "true"
You change the name of the file from the current "paper-1.16.5-570" to "server.jar"
create a new text file in the same folder (first name doesn't matter)
You write in this text file

java -Xmx2000M -jar server.jar

then you save the file.

8 / Then you have to rename the file to "Start.bat"

9 / When you have done that, a menu should open that is the currently running server

10 / you go to your sharing settings of your internet router and unlock the following IP addresses:

UDP - 25565 and TPC 25565

11 / Then you can go to mienecraft and enter "localhost" at the server ip

12 / the others need your IP, these must then be entered by the others at the Mc IP. If you don't know yours, you can look here (Note the ip can change regularly, which means that the others have to enter their ip offetst.

13 / The server is running and you're done

The Java download (if it doesn't work, or it's not a Jar file)

You are uninstalling java from your computer.
Restart this
Download the offline version for 32 or 64 bit from this link

If it doesn't work then you continue with this step.
If you still need the Java JDK you can download it here.

Now everything should work

Warning this is a copy past guide


How do I go to the router's share settings


Which router do you have?


Nen telecom


Exact type?