Was not there even a free Minecraft version for Java?

- in Launchers

Today I'm looking for a Christmas party of my workplace a game that we can use for today at a LAN party also taking place. My decision fell on Minecraft for PC, an. Exe I've already aufm phone stored. It's a free Minecraft Launcher that does not require an account, and only uses the player name as a 'log-in' to log in.

since my supervisor is not sure if this is the legal version, and because i can't find the webpage any more (i have already had the .exe for 6 years now), i would have a link that confirms this (if so) that there's a free Minecraft version.

If not, and alternatively, does anyone still know free, LAN-enabled games?

we already have the old Starcraft.


There was never that was then a cracked launcher otherwise at most a demo version


This is most likely a cracked (illegal) version


There was once Minecraft Classic, which you could play for free, but was virtually not interactive. Not sure if that still works.

Notch once said he would give first-time players to use a cracked version (usually Minecrfat.exe or MinecrfatSP.exe) because Minecraft did not have a demo version.

Today, that's not the case anymore.

And Mojang distances himself from Notch.

There are a few games that have local multiplayer, which you can play with strong hardware and software like Parsec on separate systems together.