How am I supposed to wake my sister without being mad at me?


My ps4 is in her room and she is still sleeping. I want to gamble. She is not alone. Her boyfriend is there too. The true tonight at the fair apparently drunk too much. Should I wake those up now. Because the day is almost over and I wanted to build my house in minecraft today. Should I just knock on the door now or just pretend I'm falling down and trampling loudly so she gets each


Just knock on her room. Maybe they are awake and still cuddling? At some point, the two have to go to the toilet and then have to get up.


Just wait - you can still play later


I hear her snoring.


Neither, nor, leave them alone and do something else, you can play another day too.


No I can't come later my family


I do not think anyone gets mad at four in the afternoon when they wake him up, so ask the two of them if they want to have breakfast before they cook for super.


Then I would wait a little bit. Too long but not, because the two must probably get up tomorrow. If they sleep so long, it will be hard to go back to bed tonight.


So what?


Then just sneak in and get the ps4.


Then you will probably have to move that.


Hmm the door is so loud when you open it because you need to sneak net more


Maybe knock softly and open the door carefully and see if they really sleep. Maybe they are now awake or one of the two. If not, depending on where the Playstation is, you can sneak in and take it with you and then go out again immediately.

Even if someone is awakened, it sure is not bad, it's 4pm, even if you wake them, they will certainly understand.

But if they are sensitive I would wait a bit and maybe ask the parents / roommate, then you have someone behind you and can get you a second opinion. Maybe the person knows when they both came back yesterday. So I would not recommend you to fall like that, so you worry them unnecessarily or scare them both and in the end you still hurt yourself.

If necessary, just give up the Playstation for a few hours; read a good book or run a bissl, the weather will not stay so beautiful forever ^^