New game searched for every day (which you can't play through!)?

- in Worlds

Since I had not expressed the question correctly, I put it again!

So: I've been looking for some time for a new game in which I can put my time!

but the game would have to fulfill a few requirements

andzwar: The game should not play through or you should have a character you builds up such as. In GTA Online where you build up your character (so the more time you put in the more money, cars, real estate, friends you have or in Minecraft you put more time in and have more resources, for example, a bigger house, diamonds…

So a game that you can't play through but you build up his character!

dan it should definitely be multiplayer (Online)

It should be Openworld

and it would be great if there are cars (as in gta to own and tune (or just 1 car / motorcycle / plane / armor (please no wot) what you own or own can tune…))

please help me because I'm already no longer bock on gta, I have not played Minecraft for 3 years, Mad max already by (ps sowas how mad max as online versiohn Währe also cool (just in the answers)) and on racing games I do not even bother anymore!


The only thing that comes to my mind is Planet Calypso, but you play with real money, it's almost only Grind and far away from GTA, what you're looking for will not be there, I'm afraid.



I think Ark might like you! It is a very exciting open world game and should meet your taste! I already have 400 hours of play and it never gets boring! I highly recommend it! Great price performance ratio!


Yes that's what I'm looking for but just the game is not mine!

But thanks!


I already have Ark


But it got boring even after 40h


But I'll check it out again.


But, had idea ^^ APB Reloaded, that goes in the direction of GTA and is an MMO, played through will eventually have it, but certainly takes quite a while ^^


World of Warcraft?