Minecraft Forge Server: mods not loading?

- in Mods


So the following problem:

Since I would like to play old school Minecraft with a few buddies soon and that with mods, we have to rent a server.

For testing I have now installed a Forge server and inserted the mods JEI and StorageDrawers, a start.bat made with the text [below].

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar nogui

The server starts, I can "OPen" and everything is great…

Until I want to place a shelf from the mod: I press right-click, the shelf appears for a tick and disappears immediately.

Now my question is why the mods are not loaded, although in Minecraft and in the Forge server I put the mods in the mods folder, the server is running and everything is displayed in the inventory.

I would appreciate a helpful answer.


Are you taking the right server jar to start with? "minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar" sounds like the normal vanilla.
The server jar created by the installer actually always has a "forge" in its name.


That's exactly what I thought.

I downloaded the server as normal with the Forge Installer, but strangely it is still a normal server.