I want to write a mod planting a field. (And without the client changing his line of sight).
I have already figured out how to mine a field. But how do you plant it? I can't get the block placed. (With packets because I want to use it on servers.)
Minecraft.getMinecraft (). ThePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue (new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement (target_pos, EnumFacing.UP.getIndex (), mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem (), facingX, facingY, facingZ));
Is this the right package for this? Did I use everything correctly?
What do I have to use with facingX, facingY and facingZ? Where do I get it from?
And do I need anything else?
Facing x y z are the blocks you are looking at, you can find this data at f3 looking at xx yx zx or something like that
The facing command with the X, Y and Z behind it represents the coordinates in which direction you are looking, the
X coordinate increases when you walk east,
the Z coordinate increases when you run south and
Y stands for height.
As far as mod programming is concerned, I have no idea.
There's a key combination under F3 with which you can copy to the clipboard, in which direction you are looking, with the respective coordinates. Hmm
target_pos (= the BlockPos where I want to place the block) already indicates that.
What "Facing Command"? These are the parameters. Bruh.
It also indicates where my pointer is on the block. Only I have no idea how to calculate that.
Yes you are right. It is not a command, but a parameter. I got it mixed up.
The one with the coordinates should only be an example, even if it wasn't related to looking at the moment.
Sorry, I can't tell you how to calculate that.