Minecraft MCC championchip parkour checkpoint times?

- in Mods

I saw a video where Dream (English minecraft youtuber) does the mcc championchip parkour run and at each checkpoint the game shows the seconds whether it is faster or slower than its best time, someone knows how to do it or is there a server or a mod?

I'll attach the video here where you can see it.


So I don't see a video anywhere but it doesn't matter.

1. Why you can see it.

Dream is pretty good at parkour and has not even made the MCC parkour and to compare the time you can see it there. In the achievement hall the individual records are collected as well as the fastest parkour time

2. What exactly is it?

MCC runs with plugins, a lot of plugins.

Plugins are extensions for the game but not mods, because if mods were included, it would no longer be a Vanilla MC. Plugins are written programs with which various things can be added, such as this timer or an / AH on many servers.

The most famous plugin example would be Worldedit

I can't tell you exactly what kind of plugin it is and how it is written, again I don't know my way around, but I can assure you that you will not get this plugin anywhere, because the operators of MCC don't just make their plugins publish


This is a plugin that was specially programmed for Minecraft Championship.