Minecraft Thaumcraft bug?

- in Mods

I hope someone knows something about it. I found a bug in Minecraft in Thaumcraft 3 Mod that is quite fatal.

If you shoot at Warded Stone with the Wand of Frost, this block temporarily disappears and duplicates itself, and when you shoot at bedrock it blows up as if you had dismantled it. He also destroys machines if you accidentally hit them.

Has anyone heard of it or has an idea how to fix it?

And is there a way to ban an item WITHOUT a Bukkit plugin? A blacklist, so to speak.


I don't know anything about the bug, but with Minetweaker you can completely remove recipes. The items can then no longer be crafted.


Is this a mod? And is there one for 1.4.7? And the problem is that it's a Thaumcraft recipe. The magic wand is made in the infusion altar and you have to throw the appropriate elements into a cauldron, but theoretically you also have to put a recipe for it in the infusion altar. Would Minetweaker also block the prescription in the infusion altar? Because it is a magic crafting table, so to speak


Yes a mod, obs for 1.4.7 you have to look for yourself. But basically you can change or remove all recipes with it, including infusion crafting and more.


Mod found but unfortunately not available under 1.6.4. In another modpack, as I read, it still exists for 1.4.7. How can I remove / block recipes from individual mods after adding the mod to the modpack? Unfortunately, it is not explained on the page.