X-Ray plugin for 1.16.3?

- in Mods

Does anyone know a good, purely client-side working X-Ray plugin / mod for 1.16.3 with these functions?

Can you choose which blocks are made visible? (Not only ores, but e.g. Roof eggs, music blocks or just dirt)
Can be used without Optifine
In-game can be switched on and off quickly with a button.
No complete disorientation when switched on
No "hack client" and no half-baked bow sling that crashes after 5 minutes!
It has to work with GM3

I don't need this for cheating, but occasionally for administrative purposes (including recognizing players who use XRay, which is easier if you have XRay yourself, because you can't see everything in the GM3 or if someone has hidden a nerve machine or a Dragon egg has disappeared etc).

Unfortunately, I'm completely familiar with client plugins and have no interest in malware.


Here please http://www.9minecraft.net/xray-mod/

or here directly download http://www.files.9minecraft.net/index.php?act=dl&id=1600076188


And it keep all the functions and conditions you wanted.


Did * not hold


Thank you.


thx Sasha82