Minecraft Modded Server on RootServer?

- in Mods

Since I would like to play again with some friends (max 5 at the same time) Minecraft with mods (possibly about 200 pieces) must be a server ago.

On this occasion, I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with Minecraft Mod servers on Linux or it is better to use Windows with so many mods need to be installed.

The server I wanted to use is the following:

Provider: Netcup
Name: RS 2000 G8
CPU: 4 cores dedicated (Intel Xeon Gold 6140/6230)
Storage: 60GB SSD or 480GB SAS (both in RAID 10)
Network: 1 Gbps
Price: 15 euro / month

Server is virtualized KVM.

Possibly should run on the server then a TeamSpeak 3 server, which, however, is only used by 5-10 people, so it hardly needs any power.

Dear Continue Teamspeak 3 server hire with a provider and rent a game server or rather prefer to move both to a common RootServer?


Try it out. We do not know how much power your mods will consume for the players.

16GB of RAM could be a bit tight.

And definitely Linux!
Significantly less power loss through the system than with Windows.
(In addition, usually much cheaper to have)


Thank you very much for the answer, has to say that so far I have had very little to do with Linux as a server system. Windows I could on o.g. Server install itself, and with Linux I have only console and no Graphische surface or I'm there wrong informed.


If you nen NEN Vanilla server hinbekommst then synonymous NEN Modded server. They do not really differ from the installation. Depending on the game version of the ram for Minecraft should be adjusted accordingly. The Xeon should be enough for Modded MC and Ram I would use 8-12gb only for Minecraft.


You can already "install" a graphical interface.
Is with a server but very nonsensical and eats unnecessarily server performance.

So the command line stays. Can you make friends with

The most important is the security of the server. It can sometimes be very expensive if your server is abused for e.g. Attacks on other systems.

If you want, I can help you with a few things or answer questions.
Discord, Teamspeak3 or Telegram are available


About Telegram would love me and thank you in advance for the help until then.

Telegram: ximcalledfabi


I actually prefer Linux for servers