I want to record Minecraft for a project. However, not just from the first person perspective, but so that the camera is fixed above me (very high above me), and picks up what I build below. So that I can play this recording later in fast motion.
A camera mod I had already installed, but I believe that you can enter there only one way, this camera then flies off and films and can't fix. Or am I wrong?
Maybe someone has experience with it and can help me.
In any case, you need your instance of Minecraft to build and you can't use it for recording. To fix the second instance on you now you could either teleport the player on the server side (which does not run smoothly then (for fast motion but okay?) Or follow the player side. No idea if there's a mod.
You could also realize the teleportation really cheap with a Redstone Clock and a command block: 'D
Thank you for your answer.
I also think that I definitely need another player, which means a second account. Because the camera perspective should be fix.
But I can't do that again on a computer alone, because OBS makes window shots. And if two windows are open, then the shot always switches to the active window, I think.
In the mods you fly as a player so even the way, which has been set for the Cam. Of course I can't build my own in the meantime ^^
Yes, you definitely need a second instance. If your calculator packs it, you can just use OBS on one window and use the other to build. If you do not have a second account just take the cracked version and join the other instance via "LAN".