Minecraft Multi Mc?

- in Mods

Gude people yes I want to ask I have now downloaded the Multi Mc Launcher, I have a PC with 4 GB RAM and a colleague has opened a server and they have also downloaded the Mod Pack FtB Revelation via the Multi Mc Launcher as they want now I do that too, but firstly I usually manage to download the mods (but that doesn't always work then minecraft just closes halfway through the downloads) and secondly when I have downloaded the mod and then really effective in Minecraft, I can't make it onto the server then there's always no feedback so what should I do

I would be very happy to receive an answer, thank you in advance 🙏🏻


If your PC has 4 GB of RAM that is not that much and does not allow you to play with mods. If you want to play on a server without mods but it doesn't work, you have to go to installations and then on the version and then you have to click somewhere on more or set. There you can then set how much GB of RAM you want to give if it is 4 you should set it to 2 or 3.


Far too little RAM. Large modpacks like FTB Revelation easily need 8GB on their own


Yes, you're right, but the thing is we did exactly the same thing almost a year and a half ago since then we haven't gambled anymore and since I was really on the server and could also play with the exact same pc, so I don't understand why it shouldn't work now you know what I mean

with 2 or 3 it doesn't work at all I have to give him 4

But as I said, I've already played the exact same modpack on a server with the boys and that went as if there had to be some solution

Above all, it is now that I can no longer even manage the downloads. Before, it was always the case that I definitely managed the download with oh and no noise but then I just couldn't get it on the server and now for a Two days I can't download because I try all the time and all the time but the download now breaks at that goes to seven and at four it just breaks off then the console says the process has ended with status one And I don't understand that either because two days ago I was still able to do the downloads and at least got into the game, i.e. Main menu, the only thing I've done since then is that I've reset my entire PC because I thought it might that's because but that was too stupid it sounds even worse than before as I said I was no longer able to download the downloads because of it all makes no sense on my PC n yeah not just get worse by itself right?


Yes, but as I said, how can it be that I managed that one and a half years ago with the same PC and now it just doesn't make any sense, so for me not really now.