If you wish to use ip forwarding please enable it in your bungeecord config as well (Minecraft)?

- in Mods

I've been having trouble joining a Minecraft server for days. Either "Unknown host" or "if you wish to use ip forwarding please enable it in your bungeecord config as well". I have the problem only on this one server, and probably not on the PC, since I have already tried it on another. Since I have not found useful on the net, I would be very happy to receive an answer here. LG P.S. I do not do the same with mods or bungee-cord and do not even know what that is.


Do you have bungeecord in the spigot.yml true?

The bungeecord config.yml file should also contain ip_forward: true.

If not, set both to true and restart the server and bungee cord proxy.


The problem is then on the server. You want to connect to a BungeeCord server, but to a subserver. This is not so easy. Do you know the owner or can you contact him? If so, then write to him that he should give you the IP of the BungeeCord proxy. Oh, what is the IP of the server? Then I can take a look for myself.


I think that's not his server https://www.emojibase.com/emoji/1f602/facewithtearsofjoy

I do not do the same with mods or bungee-cord and do not even know what that is.


Yesterday there was something else, I swear xD

Minecraft Bungeecord error? di diligentAbigail