Is a PC worth 500-600 euro?

- in Mods

I'm considering buying a PC, but it's not too expensive. I would probably play games on the computer, but I don't necessarily need the highest number of frames (60-100 are usually enough for me). I would probably mainly play rocket league, but maybe also games like league of legends, minecraft, valorant or other shooters. I also want to teach myself how to program apps, mods, websites or games with unity, eclipse, unreal engine, etc. I would be very happy to receive an answer and, if possible, to get tips on good parts.


Just take a look at the requirements of the individual games / software…


Yes, you can fry it, but you build it yourself. Hardware deal has the best value for money configurations that are really good


And that nobody can replicate at the price. You shouldn't believe everything these Youtubers either.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble