Why does Microsoft not support the development of the mod or developer for Minecraft? - Why does the development of mods take so long?

- in Mods

Why does Microsoft not support the development of the mod or developer for Minecraft?

Would not it make much sense to give them support so that the mods can be developed faster?

Why does the development of mods in Minecraft take so long?


Everything that Mojang (Microsoft) has in the game, they make in the standard version.

Why it takes so long? :

Because the mod developers do not do full-time and it is not so easy depending on the mod.


As it is, it is perfect for Microsoft and Mojang. The game has openness to mods and if anything goes wrong, Microsoft and Mojang are not at fault.

Has his reasons why Mojang for 10 years, no modding API brings into play although it has been basically announced since the Alpha time. Getting the community regulated is just easier.

This also answers the question why it takes so long. Because nobody sits behind it and rushes the modders.


In an effort to help make modding the game easier, we have decided to publish our game obfuscation maps with all future releases of the game, starting today. Figuring out what's what. It is our hope that mod writers and modal frameworks use these files to augment their updating processes. These mappings will always be available, instantly and immediately as part of every newly released version. This does not, however, change the existing restrictions on what you may or may not do with our game code or assets. The left to the obfuscation mappings are included as part of the json manifest, and may be automatically pulled for any given version.