AMD driver problem?


I have a Ryzen 3 3200g and have installed the Radeon software because it can update the chipset and graphics card drivers itself.

After updating all the drivers I went into the Radeon software and saw that all the drivers and software were up to date. I then tried Minecraft shaders and played around with the settings. Suddenly Minecraft crashed and then the message came: Driver not updated. The Radeon software says that the drivers are up to date.

My first question is whether this is possible, since I have updated all the drivers and my second question is, where can I see which driver version is the latest, since I can only download the Radeon software from the AMD website, not the drivers.


Could it also be that the shader is not compatible with the driver version have you restarted?


That can be good. What do you mean restarted? Oh yes, and do you know where I can see the latest driver version?


There's automation for this that checks:


It may be that an error occurred while updating the driver and that it was not installed correctly because of this, or that the driver version brought a bug. Try to uninstall the update and then try the shader again. LG


I solved the problem, I just had to delete Minecraft and reinstall it again.