I wanted to open a small server again with the plugins I used to have (at least a few) but a plugin (BetterShop) does not recognize Vault, what can I do about it? Both plugins are on the right version
What is an error in the latest.log?
It says: No Vault OR external Economy Plugin Found. This Jeans that Better Shops mis Not able to function and will now.
Saving shops.
What about Chest Shop
I don't want to have a Chest Shop or Sign Shop.
One should understand simple error messages. An economy plugin like essentials or iconomy is missing. The shopplugin is only for creating the sales unit, but not for trading = buy / sell.
I have iconomy on it too
Then something is wrong with the versions. Are there any more error messages in the latest.log? Should be like that. Upload them to pastebin or something so that you can see them in full.
It is also possible that you are using an old version of Minecraft and a new vault. Then look for an old vault version. Mine there's a hint of it on the spigot side (however difficult to read)