I found the following picture on the Internet:
I thought that I would do it on my server too.
With holographic displays you can do all of this very well, but how do you get a vault placeholder for the individual placements and their respective money, or how do you use one of https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/vault/ placeholders, because if I z. B.% vault_eco_top_balance_ # 1% do nothing happens…
Do you use placeholder API? Then you need to download / papi ecloud on your server… What exactly you have to write instead of… You can see on the Placeholder website. I don't know her name exactly, but you can enter "Placeholders PlaceholderAPI" on Google.
Yes, of course I have already done all of this for a long time, but I don't know how to use the placeholder and which one should be used… There are at least 4 different versions of 'vault_eco_top_balance' etc.
It's best to program something yourself or have it programmed for money…
You can also take scoreboard objectives
I'm still not checking what "Scoreboard Objectives" are and how to use them
You can create a scoreboard with the / scoreboard (http://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/Befehl/scoreboard) command and display it in holograms with the placeholders.
Scoreboards are not always displayed on the side.
Scoreboard objectives are scoreboards…
You can display points in holograms with PlaceholderAPI Scoreboard.
Oh, so you're saying that I can copy the scoreboard (as a hologram)?
But that doesn't help, because you also need placeholders in the scoreboard
Then you don't need placeholders in the scoreboard
I mean that if you have 2 kills in the scoreboard, 2 is shown in the hologram, and if you do another kill, there's 3 in the hologram.
But you can do it that way…