How does Abbegrieft manage to play with new undercover accounts?

- in Plugins

Hi, have a question about Minecraft servers and plugins: How does Abgegrieft manage to play with new undercover accounts? Anyway, he's always looking for scammers and can't show up with his owner account "AbgegrieftHD", but has to join an "undercover" account. Anyway, he does not think I have the money to buy a lot of accounts and it takes some time to rename an account and he has a different name every time. I have a small server myself and have already tested a lot of nick plugins and there it was always that you had the name, but you could not 1. Tabby with the right name and 2. Neither msg- or kick. Is there a plugin that allows you to rename itself that really means that and you can also execute commands with that name? If so, can you link that to me please?


Are either Accs that you get at a Minecraft Premium acc for 24 hours or he just changes the name and the skin


According to my information he gets the accounts of viewers.

A nick plugin that turns someone completely into a specific player? Can I try to do it? If I should try, adhere to Discord (name: Entity303 # 2079) or Skype (name: endivie02).


You can only change the name every 30 days…


That's what I tried to mention above


Okay it's fine. Have you sent a request on discord.


But I think there's a plugin on griefergames, which completely renames players


If I see that correctly he is server admin, as an admin you can do practically everything on the server ;-)


That's clear, but how? What kind of plugins are there for that?


The script as such. I do not have minecreft but if there are options to change the nick and they are limited in time, it may well be that this limit does not exist for admins. Usually there are also direct code commands to change a nick. Just as there are commands to check if there are actually different accounts or the same just named differently. What I've seen with him indicates that the chat ingame IRC is based on a simple "Who's" query, as far as this is not blocked by him on his servers as a command