Is there a list of these characters?

- in Plugins

I'm running a Minecraft server right now, but whenever I want to use special characters like this' '' I have to type '' '' to get the right one, if you know what I mean. Whenever I insert in any plugin, a question mark comes. Is there a list or something or a way to use normal?


Where do you want to enter this? In notepad ++? Then go on top of coding and then on utf8

Is there a list of these characters

In plugins that supposedly do not support these special characters


In the config file right?


You have to enter so weird so that the correct display, so I'm looking for a list of "conversions" or something


Yes sure


Is there as far as I do not know… Something usually happens only with wrong coding!


Thanks habs made a trick of your method!


Your problem most likely has to do with the encoding of the plugin. If the plugin is not encoded and "compiled" in UTF-8 format, it will not support any of these characters.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
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