Hi, does anyone know of a plugin that detects a Minecraft 2. Acc and then executes a command. E.g. If a 2nd Acc joint then "tempban% player% 15 h 2 Acc".
I personally do not know any, because no plugin can check whether the player with the uuid has another account with exactly the same mail. But if you are a player of IP ban, he can't add a second account until he changes his IP
The 2nd account ban is not possible because there's no plugin that is suitable for it. (Which recognizes that it is a 2nd account)
But what is possible is to ban the player's IP. Then he can have as many accounts as he wants and remains banned anyway.
We had a month ago with our server e.g. The case.
Kiddie banned because of hacking (evidence is available because a supporter was in the round…)
A day later he came up with the same skin and almost the same name and used the same hacks.
Well foolish for him he was then IP-banned for 2 months because of spell avoidance
IP bans are useful in themselves, but lose their usefulness if you buy a new IP.
Kiddie banned because of
Must be a highly professional server.
It's okay, I found a plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/...gee.64194/ and together with https://www.spigotmc.org/...gee.58716/ it should actually be safe.
Knew that there was such a thing. But that sounds pretty good