Program Minecraft plugins to recognize whether players have broken down finished caco beans or finished wheat?

- in Plugins

Program Minecraft plugins to recognize whether players have broken down finished caco beans or finished wheat? I need this for my job system, but I have no idea how to find out.


The different growth phases of the respective plants have different IDs. Just pick them out or copy the line from other job plugins and then paste them into yours.

If the ID of the finished plant is removed, then and only then will money / XP be given to the player.


Ah, I didn't know that there were extra ids for that, thanks.


So, one more question how can I find out if the item has this subid? E.getBlock (). GetType () == Material.getMaterial (59)
How do I get the 7 there? Because that's an integer


Unfortunately, I have no idea ^^ it was a long time ago that I looked at the programming of plugins.

I'm sorry:/




Found out e.getBlock (). GetType () == Material.getMaterial (59) && e.getBlock (). GetData () == (byte) 7

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