I have FPS drops and my image is always a little blurred, is my graphics card broken?


In Battlefield 5 on good graphics, I usually have 80 to 100 FPS and sometimes the FPS often drops to below 50. In addition, it is correct in the main menu (approx. 110 FPS), but it also drops to below 70 almost every time I go on click. When I put the graphics down I have 110 to 130 FPS but the FPS still drop down to below 70. This happens almost every 5 seconds. And is super annoying because it creates lags. When I watch videos of tests in Youtube, it is always stable 100 to 120 FPS or even often only FPS fluctuations of 10 FPS (110 to 120). They seldom go down and there are never any lags and if they do, they are almost imperceptible. In CS: GO it is not so bad because I have about 250 to 300 FPS but sometimes they drop down to 100 FPS and this creates a lag again, but that happens rather rarely. In Minecraft I have 200 to 400 FPS but I hardly do any antisotropic filtering I have about 40 to 50 FPS. It doesn't matter if I set it to 2x or 16x. In addition, everything is generally a little blurred (whether desktop or game) but this can also be deceptive or because of my monitor. I have FPS drops in almost every game (not all of them listed) and it is extremely annoying. In addition, everyone who has the same hardware does not have stable FPS in every game. It just can't be. Could it maybe the CPU is to blame? But I rather think that the graphics card is broken what do you think?


RX 5700

R5 3600

2x8 GB DDR4 3000Mhz RAM


That sounds like a thermal limit.

What do the temperatures look like? Both CPU and GPU. And best of all what is very important VRM MOS temperature from the mainboard


GPU: approx. 75 ° c sometimes maybe a few degrees more

CPU: 83 ° c - 88 ° c rarely 90 ° c

I don't know where I see the other temperatures.


You can have EVERYTHING displayed via hwinfo64. Simply select on Sensors only when starting. Which CPU cooler have you installed? And which mainboard?


CPU cooler is the boxed cooler from AMD.

The mainboard is the MSI B450M PRO VDH MAX


Boxed is borderline there sooner or later to get something stronger. And the board's high temperatures are important. At the pro VDH, I'm not that up to date
