Minecraft Server Commands do not work:?

- in Plugins

I have created a Minecraft server (Bukkit). If I enter however Commands eg. / gamemode 1 nothing happens. Nothing is displayed in the chat or in the console. If I enter the commands in the console it does not work either. Commands of plugins are only normal ones like / help / gamemode 1 and so on.


Must be enabler


And I think the structure of the commands has changed.


It could be that you have to use the following command

/ gamemode creative

There are plugins where you can only use / gm 1 or / gm 0 etc…

It would be helpful if you could tell us which Minecraft version you use


I use the version 1.8.8 / gamemode creative is not synonymous.


I found the mistake. It was the plugin Essentials.


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Ps. I recommend you for your Minecraft server PermisstionEX