I used to play around with SetFlySpeed with Minecraft Plugins, but now I can't fly at all. The normal FlySpeed is 1, but mine is 1.0E-4. I also tried to set my FlySpeed to 1, but it doesn't change anything.
I can just go into a fly position and then I just can't move anymore, that means I can only move on the ground.
Of course my AllowFlight is true and I'm even in creative mode.
The whole thing happens in 1.8.
Who can help?
Then some plugin will probably set your Flyspeed permanently to 0.0001
Ha can't be…
I didn't upload such a disabled plugin xD
Well, just delete your player file and you can fly again. Provided no plugin gives you flyspeed 0.0001, xD again
Doesn't sound so healthy, just set it to 1.0
Nothing has changed.
Then it's a plugin. 100%.
1.0E-4 means 0.0001
The E stands for "10 high".
And 10 to the -4 is 1/10000.
And 1.0 * 1/10000 = 0.0001.
Oh yeah I didn't know, I've never worked with it, just the way I wrote it.
With / attribute and flyspeed (for 1.12-1.16)
In my question is 1.8 …