My plugin does some commands wrong?

- in Plugins

It's about Minecraft!

I moved my lobby system, which I wrote in the Java programming language, and which runs with Spigot version 1.8.8, into the plugins folder of my server and started the server.


( In line 65 I changed that from "setspawn" to "spawn" and now there's another error.

(Error when executing the 'setspawn' command:

(SetSpawn command code:

All commands work except 'setspawn', 'spawn', 'setwarpcb', 'setwarpfb' 'setwarpknockbackffa'.

I very much hope that I can be helped. Because I can't find the mistake.


If the code you have in the main class is in full, it is because you are calling a method that does not exist.

EDIT: This method does exist, but you probably haven't created a config.yml. If you did, you forgot to copy the default values.


Could you maybe tell me which method? Because I would like to know why I used a method that does not exist.


You call with the method Main.getPlugin (). GetConfig (); the config file. However, nowhere do I see a method with which this config is set.


Oh well, okay. But thank you for helping me. I have this in the main class the 'public static main instance;' to 'public static Main plugin;' changed. Then in the onEnable method I have 'plugin = this;' done and just returned at 'public static Main getPlugin () {' I just got 'plugin'. Now everything works again.