Need help quickly. Pc virus?


I have had a "virus" since yesterday. It comes at indefinite intervals.

Unfortunately, I can only name the effects.

In the games. Minecraft, Rainbow Six Siege and maybe even Gta online. My character is moved by itself and sentences like "A MODDER" or just "Hi" are written.

The Windows key is very often recognized in succession. Also when writing this text FAST! Downloaded a file. I use chrome but the file had a FireFox logo and something with a hack or something in the name. Logically, I will now uninstall FireFox for now.

Does anyone know what virus it could be and where I got it.

And I would also be very grateful if someone knows how I can get away.


Rather believe someone has access to your pc…


Are there any known programs that enable this and that you know?


First disconnect it from the Internet, let a colleague load an antivirus onto a USB stick and then let yourself go through it. If he doesn't find anything, look through all programs, the key register, autostart and folder to see if you can find anything


Don't really try to change the password of your pc with which you log in…


I recommend creating a Kaspersky Rescue USB Bootstick. You have to do this on a non-infected computer. And this is how you do it:

Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk ISO:

Then write the ISO with Rufus on an empty formatted USB stick.
Boot the created stick on the infected system and follow the instructions of the assistant.