Turn off the Redstone torch?


I've built a circuit in Minecraft (

Turn off the Redstone torch

) and I'm just trying to make sure that the left button can also turn off the redstone torch. However, if I press it, nothing happens… What should I do? The two amplifiers are essential but they have nothing to do with it, right?


If I understood your question correctly:

Place a block, and put the redstone torch on the block, now position the redstone so that it points to the block and connect the second button to the redstone when the block on which the redstone torch sits is powered "then the redstone torch goes out


I think you didn't quite understand my question either… (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-o2zBxTzWm5-141A1ptpNlMLss1cEqb_/view?usp=sharing) This is my circuit.


Well, the torch is sitting on a block, and you placed the button on this block. If you let the redstone signal of the second button run into the block where the torch is attached, then the second button will also deactivate the torch


That wasn't the solution either (it basically turned the circuit around, i.e. The gate was open and when you pressed the button, it closed for a second) but it put me on the right track. I forgot in the drawing that there's also a redstone torch next to the left button. I have now solved it like this:

Turn off the Redstone torch

(I added a second Redstone torch to the left button, which practically led to one torch always being on and one off and now it works) Thank you very much.


You can then simply leave out the two redstone torches and place redstone instead

Turn off the Redstone torch

I know you have it, but still my solution.

Incidentally, this is an OR circuit.

There are also a few others that might be useful to you.


That's right, thank you.