Parenting in Cinema 4D only temporary?



I'm currently experimenting a lot in Cinema 4D, but one question has always been left open; how can you temporarily enable parenting in Cinema 4D?

I give an example, Minecraft.

In the scene are you.a. A torch and a player rig.

The torch should stand on the ground for the first time, after a few seconds the player takes the torch in his hand and continues.

The rest is uninteresting, only this scene is important to me.

Is it possible to activate the parenting only temporarily?

Before the player picks up the torch, he moves his hand. If Parenting were activated all the time, the torch, which was actually lying on the ground, would move along all the time.

However, I'm sure there must be a way to link the torch by hand only after the initial scene.

I have no answers on Youtube, Google etc. Found, that's why I ask here.

Does anyone have an answer, how to enable parenting only temporarily?

Or is there another way?


For that you need a constraint. In Cinema4D this is of course a constraint tag, google for it. There are tons of instructions and tutorials. :>

You can then set a keyframe and turn on this temporary parenting only when you need it.