I was just playing In Minecraft Bedrock v.1.16.210 when I suddenly heard strange noises that are similar to that of a witch, but sound higher than the normal sounds. What was that? Have you ever experienced something like this or what was it?
Very extraordinary. Before playing, did you use a program to adjust the sound height? If not then it was probably your headphones or speakers. Actually, the noises are always the same. Otherwise, listen to the sounds:
There's a rare sound that is a little higher. If you meant that, everything's fine. But if the witch played the same sound several times, then it was a bug. Or your friend used the command / playsound to play high-pitched witch noises.
Was someone in your world
He came several times and he was in a single player world. I haven't been in a swamp. The sound sounded like normal laughter, just higher.
Then it was definitely a bug or a bug.
Are you in the djungle? Parrots imitate other mobs and the sounds are always a bit higher
Ok, I had parrots on my shoulder (2 pieces)
I just got this too, I've been hearing two different witch sounds but higher pitched and faster. I have one parrot in my house maybe 20 blocks away, but the sound plays often and is more noticeable than the parrot sounds, plus there's two different witch sounds. Also the witch still sounds high pitched exactly the same even when I unplug the headphones.
I just got this too, I've been hearing two different witch sounds but higher pitched and faster. I have one parrot in my house maybe 20 blocks away, but the sound plays often and is more noticeable than the parrot sounds, plus there's two different witch sounds. Also the witch still sounds high pitched exactly the same even when I unplug the headphones.