Currently good gaming processors?


I want to get a gaming PC to play GTA 5, Minecraft, Rocket League, etc. And would spend about 1200 euro or maybe a little more. But what kind of processors are they good for, what kind of processors should I look out for for fast and quality gaming?

And what kind of ventilation / cooling is better? Heard that water cooling can leak.

I want to get the PC from


For processors, I would look out for AMD, which is much better than Intel. Also because of overclocking etc.


The 10000 series from Intel currently has prices that can be shown. And they are better for pure gaming too


So for 1200 euro you can get a PC with which you can play these games without any problems. 800 euro would be enough. But are monitors etc. Also in the budget?

In any case, I would personally wait another 1-2 months until the new RTX 3000s are better available again.


I would recommend you a 10600K for currently around 220 euro, it has a good single-core performance, which is good for gaming.

For cooling, air coolers have the best P / L, something like Dark Rock 4


Well, AMD prices are much cheaper and about the same thing


They're not, the Ryzen 5 3600 is only 40 euro cheaper than the 10600K and you don't even have to talk about the 5600x, it costs over 300 euro RRP.

And that 40 euro is worth it for gaming as the 10600K has better single-core performance that you would use in gaming


Will also get at least 2 monitors and an LED mouse / keyboard



or so

if you assemble it yourself, you currently pay significantly more for the service. An air cooler is better because it runs forever, ne water cooling breaks down at some point. Theoretically, it could also leak, but that rarely happens and when it does, it doesn't matter because the water in a water cooling system is not conductive. The pc's that I have linked above are equally good and in my opinion there are currently not really useful alternatives in your price range, the other graphics cards are currently simply too unattractive in terms of price


So for the budget, if it's only about the PC and not monitor, keyboard, etc., you get a PC that can handle the games mentioned without any problems. If you are only interested in the games mentioned, a Ryzen 5 2600 or Ryzen 5 3600 would be enough, you can get both for less than 200 euro. That in combination with its GTX 1660 super should be enough for a few years for full HD gaming. Graphics cards are currently extremely expensive.

Personally, I think Bequiet cooler is good to very good. A Bequiet pure Rock slim holds my Ryzen 5 3600 when playing at about 70 degrees +/


And what would you still use for a graphics card with the budget? Or do you say that it would be better to wait another six months until graphics cards are cheaper? I would be interested, the questioner wants a complete package


In any case, wait, the graphics card market is currently far too overpriced (3060Ti for 900 euro, etc.)


If you have the money, you can make provisions now so that you can play GTA VI without any problems, if you already know that you are playing such games


Jo, unfortunately amd and nvidia have both admitted that there will be no relaxation before July. You can be happy that there's still something to buy like the hardware council 1200 with an rtx 3070 because hardware council somehow still gets relatively good at an affordable 3070.


That's true, however. My answer was only related to the games mentioned. You could of course use a stronger graphics card, but I think a Ryzen 5 3600 should be enough for GTA VI. You could of course also take a 5xxx right away.