I wanted to ask which PC is better for minecraft and gta 5 and whether it would be worthwhile here are the links:
1 pc: https://www.amazon.de/...07V4DTBNF/
2 pcs: https://www.amazon.de/...07BQQ7951/
I would look forward to quick answers, thank you very much
Worth zero
Why not? With a PC it says 55 fps with gta…
The second in theory, but to be honest both of them are complete snot
Neither of the two, these are absolutely exorbitant prices.
The lies there's an office graphics card built in don't buy a pc at amazon buy the https://www.dubaro.de/GAMING-PC/Gaming-PC-Ryzen-5-3400G-mit-Vega-11::3571.html
Both complete mist buy you the https://www.dubaro.de/GAMING-PC/Gaming-PC-Ryzen-5-3400G-mit-Vega-11::3571.html
At most on the lowest settings… In addition, the GPU & CPU are both complete junk and you will regret buying them for so much money
Do you know parts that are cheap up to 500 euro so that I can build myself a pc that is good? If so, can you tell me?
Digga… It's also the worst junk. Check out videos about the GPUs & CPUs
You won't find a better one for 600 euro, you clever one
Naturally! Take a look at the used market, you know-it-alls.
First of all, you have to be careful with used PCs and you get, for example, a PC with a Rtx 2070 super for 2000 euro for the money you could buy a pc with an rx 6700xt or rtx 3070 understood never buy used pcs!
You're totally ignoring the topic… It couldn't be more embarrassing
Very difficult at the moment, graphics cards are hardly available or only at absurd prices. Will you have to expand your budget to ~ 600 euro
This is what the basic framework could look like
In addition e.g. Ne GTX 1060 6GB from Ebay, with a little luck you can find one for ~ 130 euro
With the low budget and the current situation, only a used purchase is worthwhile!
Matter of opinion.
My comment is also not directed at you…