GTA Online | What can I do about this problem and what alternative solutions are there?


Had just a headhunter event on the run until then, so someone thinks one of my target's to protect and that with a conventional minigun gemodded on Explosiv which he geierte me from the bottom of my jet, . Then he teleported to me and has a whole While trying to shoot me with an MP and everything except me has met at and someone who has tried to shoot at me for so long I have been off for a long time. Only I noticed when shooting back that his HP bar is not even scratched even though I constantly shoot his head and I die on it because I can't defend myself against him. Only there are only 3min left just before the end of my event and even though I have already lost the belief that the reporting function does anything at all, I will announce this player again! What I again wiedermals when trying to report the modder name in the list of players when confirming the message from the lobby will be thrown with the typical screen message that allegedly a game error has occurred that already happened in all my GTALaufbahn when I was 100% sure someone is on the modden and I try him in the menu to report!

Soon, the lobby rates are already double digits!

And why only two digits? This is simply because the modder usually kills you anonymously and those who do not do it anonymously who protect the report function in the menu by their name so that you will be kicked if you want to report it!

Should this be a moral sermon of the modders that you are every time fully automatically kicked or mum bekmmst, if you should try to report the modder for the fact that he just keeps you from k kt?

What should I do?

I do not know any other game that offers an Openfreeroam with the same positives that GTA Online also has, such as: Friends in a boat with a military helicopter flying on a mountain or trying together to climb on a bulldozer while the rider is wobbling with the shovel. As you know it from the old Gronkh GTA Online LP's…

Is there a good alternative game that exists or will soon come out that offers an online mode and has the positive aspects of GTA Online?

Games that I already know and do not want to hear because I have been called these earlier and are not for me, are:

Arma, Minecraft, Farcry, RDR2 and Identity


Due to the games and the identity even not even by Alpha you have struck out the largest part of the market. There's currently no alternative which is like GTA unless you moddest you in other game server so other users then in the respective game if there's this mod for this one an "alternative"


The Division 2

Ghost Recon Wildlands


"What should I do?"

Find a suitable crew to play in proper lobbies.

Alternatively, immediately change the lobby.


But you will lose a lot of legally earned money if you just give up and leave the lobby!

There must be a game away, how to win a mission?!

Or maybe a certain angle you have to shoot on the head so he takes damage? Something I must have done wrong because I did not win this mission but what? Tell me what I could have done better to win the mission?


It said, look for a crew.

There are extra crews who open lobbies where you can quietly do CEO missions.

on the Xbox is eg pceo