Latching while gambling normal?


I've recently been in contact with someone who plays a lot of ps4. Both Minecraft and Battlefield 5. He often plays 6 hours or whenever he has nothing to do. He has no other hobbies because he can't afford anything else. And when gambling no matter which game he often restarts strong. He screams loud and beats himself. And has funny twitches. He talks about a headset with his friends. Is this normal for a 16 year old? Or is that addictive? Personally, I can't react that way and could never play that long. Is it so with many boys? I need serious answers and a better assessment of the situation.


Such a thing is sick… The guy seems to have aggression problems


Yes, his family circumstances are also difficult… Unfortunately, I've often seen that in many people I know and I was unsure


Sounds like he might need help. What is your relationship with him?


He is the exchange student from France with whom I'm and I'm not sure if I want to take him in with me. I tend to say we have a water damage or something. My mother sees it that way. I just thought if I should give him a chance or whatever… But it must be pathological


Is no reason to worry


Let that go. In the end he destroys your inventory or worse. And you have none of it, if he only plays all day…


He is very often on excursions and so he is so poor. We do not know if he steals and so the lives cheaper than German resin 4.


So disabling is normal, I do, but not often, and as you describe it is not normal. Twitches may indicate Tourette syndrome. Hope it hift you, if so you can maybe give me the "star".


If you do not ask. So with the convulsions I mean so unnatural movements that he makes reflex. As if he has learned this when he dies…


Hey people do not buy you at many people at all young men get aggression while gambling… And can happen that one day gambled… Is nothing there


Ermy that every day. 6 hours minimum


Yes, sometimes it has its phases that can take several months but that then settles again