Minecraft full screen on 2 connected screens?


I recently connected a second (identical) screen, but when I go to full screen or press F11, the image jumps to the left monitor in full screen. Can one adjust that somewhere that one can play without taskbar in full screen mode?


If you want to play Minecraft on 2 screens, I strongly advise against it, since the crosshairs are right in the middle of both screens. Gambling on multiple screens makes sense only with 3 screens, so the crosshair is in the middle of the middle screen and not on the edge.

If you still want to play on 2 screens, you can either activate Eyefinity in the "Radeon Settings" on an AMD graphics card or use it with NVidia Surround: https://www.computerbase.de/forum/threads/nvidia-vision-surround-howto-unterstuetzte-games.1022781/


I'll try it, have a GT1030