Java programs can't be started anymore?


Since today I noticed that Java programs (.jar files, and programs that were written in Java, but .exe are) no longer double-click to start.

Among other things, "Eclipse" (to program Java) or installer for Minecraft (for example, "Optifine" and "LabyMod).

In Eclipse, I could specify in a .ini config file a path to the "javaw.exe" file (another path "force" / "force" I think), and then the program works again. So I assume that on Windows (why, and anyway) a wrong Java path is set.

But I can create a batch (.bat) file with the following code and run the java programs without problems (must be in the same order):

java -jar fileName.jar

Unfortunately, I have found no solution in the network.


If nothing helps Windows to redo.


I had that too! I had to reinstall Java, then we went back!


Java I have recently reinstalled / vllt. Wrong "version"? Would you be so kind and send me an exact link?


Did you change the PATH environment variables in the Windows Registry? Instructions are available on the Web. By including the path on the Java installation in the PATH variable, you can then execute Java in any directory


I did not manually change anything in the registry to java, I ran CCleaner earlier, and registryclcled, but I do not think that changed anything.


This has nothing to do with Windows but is an incomplete Java installation.


Does not bring anything if Windows is broken.


That would be too easy.