Gaming on MacBook Pro 16?


Hi, I was considering buying a MacBook Pro 16 for school and for editing pictures and videos. But since I also like to play basic pc games, I wanted to ask if something was going well. The question sounds silly, but I'd rather be on the safe side. Games would be something like Minecraft, because I've always enjoyed them so far. So the question could also be: "Can you get the latest versions of Minecraft on the MacBook?"


If you are not already in the Apple universe, I would generally advise against it and would rather save some money to get a more powerful computer (in all your areas of application). Schenker XMG Neo eg, Gigabyte Aero 15 or similar.

For simple things that goes without saying. If necessary, you can also install Windows.


Basic games should definitely go

if I've played Sims and WOW on a Mac, Minecraft shouldn't be a problem


If your other devices are not already from Apple, you should really think again whether that makes sense, however you choose Basic games should run on it!


But since I also like to play basic pc games, I wanted to ask if something was going well.

Of course!

The new 16 "MacBook Pro is already extremely powerful even in the basic version. Even more demanding titles than Minecraft are basically no problem…

Actually there shouldn't be a game at all that wouldn't run on it! Depending on what you want to play, you may have to install additional Windows, but that's not a problem.

But if you're just looking for casual gaming anyway - there are many thousands of titles available for macOS, including Minecraft, of course, so you don't really need Windows.