Minecraft Plotsquared: How do I allow a beacon edge?

- in Servers

I configure for a friend a Spigot 1.8.8 server with PlotSquared in the latest version.

We would like to offer some players to change their plot border. However, not all margins we want to offer players are allowed (e.g., Beacon).

Where do I have to explicitly allow these blocks? (other servers have that too, so it seems so somehow) Have unfortunately found anything useful in the network.


You mean Plotsquared the property boundary around the GS around (as with the Griefergames, if you know them)?

Look here:


You must first edit the Config.yml of PlotSquared. Specifically extend the sub item "Rands" at the end by one point (pay attention to the correct syntax and correct indentation, otherwise it will not work!):

Name: 'Beacon'
ID: 138
SubID: 0
BlockToSet: '138: 0'
loreV: "& 7 \ u27a5 & averf"
loreNV: "& 7 \ u27a5 & unavailable"
Permission: beacon

Instead of '0' in the first line you have to enter the next free number.

The permission to set this border is:


You must assign these to all players or player groups who are allowed to set this border.

Did not try it myself, but should work like this.

After that restart the server once.

To explain the parameters:

ID = block ID (138 is the beacon) displayed in the menu.

SubID (aka Damage value): here is 0, because the beacon has no different variations. For wool, this SubID is e.g. Responsible for the color.

BlockToSet = The block actually set when the user selects the margin (works like / give). Simply enter ID and SubId again here.

loreV = The text that is displayed when the player is allowed to set the edge.

loreNV = The text that is displayed if it is not allowed to put it. Here I would enter what the player needs to do to unlock this border.

Permission = name of the associated permission. If you set this value to "cobblestone" then the permission would be: rand.cobblestone