Minecraft server is consuming all the time like RAM?

- in Servers

So I have a minecraft server and if I have the z. B. 4 GB to wise he spent 3GB and who I assign in 10 GB he consumes 6 GB and even at 20 GB it consumes 16 and the tps fluctuates. Starting with 4 players the server has a tps of 15. How can I improve this?

And my server has a high CPU usage but almost no RAM

System: Debian 9


Do you have plugins on it? Or is it with mods? Which version? Bukkit, spigot or vanilla?

where did you host the server? What kind of cpu does the server have?


So we hosted the server at zap and have 16 gb ram and an Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2. We have just made all pluins down (except the check) and the tps is also good just stop the ram utilization.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble