Is it worth it to buy a server (hardware) for Minecraft and if so, what do you have to pay attention to?

- in Servers

I've been running a minecraft server on my PC for myself and a few friends for several days now. Since I really like it and would like to keep it running all day, I wonder if it's worth buying a "small" server for Minecraft, but not renting it online somewhere but buying the hardware. What should I pay attention to when buying and the server consumes a lot of power? And what about the screen? Do I have to connect this only briefly to briefly install the server?

I would be happy to receive an answer

house island


It is best to rent a server that works independently of your hardware and internet connection. At home you not only have the power costs, but also the hardware is needed and players on your server eat internet bandwidth. Nevertheless, this is a nice gimmick and great for trying!

Great as a dedicated server home is z.b. A Ryzen 3 system:

Minecraft online server is also available for free:


Thanks for the information

Just a short question: what would be the hacking or what is funded Aternos?


If the set slots are not used, the server is stopped and must be restarted.

Aternos is financed by advertising.


If it is really only for your friends, I would recommend the provider Aternos or Both are free and you can also upload plugins. For a server where you play only with friends, I would spend no money. It's just not worth it. Look at the best as I said, with these providers. Recommendable


Okay thanks


I suppose that "a few friends" might be 5 people…

for 6 people (including you) so, you need 600 MB Ram and 1.8 Mbit upstream of your Internet line…

If you do not live in the deepest outback, but have at least one VDSL 25, you can easily host from home… I would not invest extra money for that…

How to install the server on your PC is addressed on the Internet 100000000000 times, in videos as well as in much more revealing text instructions…

the only drawback to hosting your PC is that if your PC is off, there can't be a server either… So I always advise that everyone use the Dropbox - and the first one online will start the server running in a gesharetem Dropbox folder lies. Ports must of course be shared with all hosts, otherwise the others can't do it…

However, you will always have a server where you can play as long as at least one is online… The score will automatically be saved in the dropbox after the server has finished and the next one, no matter where he sits, will have the current score ready to host…

since you use your computers anyway, there are no additional costs… And you can use plugins and mods, depending on the available ram, as much as you want…

the limits are solely the available ram and the internet upstream - per player 300 kbits


Thank you for this detailed and good answer.