Several DynDns on the Fritz! Box?

- in Servers

I have a Minecraft server for which I have a DynDns that is entered in the Fritz Box, now the question can you use several DynDns at the same time


No, you can't enter several dyndns at the same time.

this is not supported by the FritzBox.

Also makes no technical sense.


You can only store one DynDNS account in the Fritz Box.

However, you can of course also run services on your servers that check the current public IP and inform the DynDNS provider of the new IP in the event of changes


What kind of services are I using


Why should you do that?

That doesn't make any sense at all!

Neither is your statement.

You can't run services on multiple servers that "check" a public IP. They would do this "check" on the basis of ONE dyndns entry.

Exactly ONE entry


It is correct, but the "why" was not an issue.


What kind of services are they

E.g. A cron job, which e.g. Starts once every hour and checks the current IP

I use

and you probably didn't bother to look at the site…

Go to and click there e.g. On "CRON & Bash Script" or "DDUpdater"


Why should you do that?

That doesn't make any sense at all!

to map several dynDNS domains to one IP in order to then distribute it e.g. With reverse proxies such as Nginx

Neither is your statement.

Yes, it makes sense - you just got it wrong

You can't run services on multiple servers that "check" a public IP. They would do this "check" on the basis of ONE dyndns entry.

Exactly ONE entry

I'm not talking about looking for the DNS record. I'm talking about services like, which are pinged by this server and return the current public IP - which is then forwarded to the DynDNS service


Also makes no technical sense.

yes, it does - if you have several different DynDNS addresses and want to map them all to a public IP…


I have the impression that YOU have misunderstood…

Services that are pinged by servers to inform them of their IP are dyndns services…

and as I said: the fritzbox supports exactly ONE dyndns service.

Which also makes perfect sense, because NOBODY needs several dyndns… Technically speaking, this is a waste of resources with no added value


Please tell me a useful use of several dyndns addresses, all of which lead to the same IP


I have the impression that YOU have misunderstood…

rather not

Services that are pinged by servers to inform them of their IP are dyndns services…

No. You connect to the server and it returns the IP from which the connection comes - the connection comes from YOU, without your DynDNS provider in between, which is why you also get your public IP

A DynDNS service only offers you the simple (automated option) to have a dynamic DNS entry - and thus to save this IP somewhere, to update it easily (automatically) and to have a DNS resolution

and as I said: the fritzbox supports exactly ONE dyndns service.

Thanks, I wrote that too. I'm talking about updates on the server side, not the router…

Which also makes perfect sense, because NOBODY needs several dyndns… Technically speaking, this is a waste of resources with no added value

of course you can do all of this via a domain. Of course, you could also work with subdomains or similar. But if you want to "separate" things from the outside, it makes sense to create several DynDNS.

That NOBODY needs several DynDNS is simply wrong - you just can't think of a useful purpose


Please tell me a useful use of several dyndns addresses, all of which lead to the same IP

outwardly separation of services that you offer…


There are different ports for exactly that.

Anyone who uses different Dyndns addresses for different dinners has no idea about network management.

So doesn't make sense.

I keep listening…


I'll just say, the discussion is over at this point.

You should first find out more about the subject before correcting someone who has studied IT with "YOU HAVE NO NOTICE".


There are different ports for this.

So doesn't make sense.


That's not what I meant.

Let's say Person A hosts a game server and website in their own home. He does not want there to be a direct "visible" connection from it (except for the IP, which can't really be hidden in this way - you can then restrict access via reverse proxy)


There are masked domains for this, all of which access ONE dyndns service.

So again makes no sense.


I'll just say, the discussion is over at this point.

I can give it back like this.

You should first find out more about the subject before correcting someone who has studied IT with "YOU HAVE NO NOTICE".

Greetings back from someone who studied IT. I never said that you have no idea - and you should first touch your nose (see your comment under my answer);)


If there are several hosts in a DDNS service, you can simply set up the additional hosts as ALIAS, which refer to the host that is updated by the FritzBox.

But if it is about different accounts or DDNS services this should be solved with - there's also a short German explanation.

In addition, I've also read that it is probably also directly via the Fritz! Box should be possible if you edit their configuration file yourself, but I have no idea how up-to-date it is or what is there at all, so if someone wants to do it, please do your own research again - I assume no liability! 😉