Minecraft Server programming language?

- in Servers

My friend I'm currently building a Minecraft server. I already have knowledge of HTML and C #. But we also want to create our own blocks or features, for example. Which programming language is necessary?


HTML is not a programming language and C # is not useful for a Java application.

Java is at the core of Minecraft.

If necessary, you can also make your mods yourself via https://mcreator.net if you don't want to learn Java especially for this.


Check out BiVieh on YouTube


HTML is not a programming language, just as Microsoft Word is not.

Java is required.


Ok thanks for your reply.
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HTML is not a programming language.

Minecraft is so well known that there are certainly wrappers for other languages (maybe also C #), but Minecraft is generally written in Java and this is also the language of choice for plugins or mods.


Java or Kotlin, HTML is not a programming language


Thanks for the answer.
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