Minecraft 1.16 server low TPS?

- in Servers

Can someone tell me why my TPS are so low? I have a V-Server at Netcup and with 20 players the TPS is 14-16 (8 VCores 32 GB ram or so)

Here are the timings: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=9c3124e67d3f4a688fdce2ac78e6f7bf

I thank you for your help


You seem to have loaded a lot of chunks and entities. Try to install the ClearLagg (https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/clearlagg) plugin on your server and execute these two commands:

/ lagg unloadchunks

/ lagg clear

If it should fix this at least temporarily, then simply set the regular execution of these two commands in the config of the plugin, then it should no longer lag relatively constantly.

Alternative, if it didn't work: Take a look at your general plugins. Do you have a lot installed? Do you need them all If not: throw some down. Plugins also have a huge impact on the TPS.