Minecraft server lags and low tps?

- in Servers

My fairly new MC server always sets me back. Ram load is 3 at 6gb and tps at 15

What can I do?


Where do you rent your server?




What CPU does the server have? Does he have an SSD?


A Xeon 24 core



Could be due to the CPU's low clock. Minecraft basically needs a fast core with a very high clock


Can only rent the servers from them


I guess you have a V-Server at Contabo and probably a Minecraft version 1.14+. This is very RAM hungry and unfortunately you will not be very lucky with your 3 GB.
In addition, V-servers are not exactly suitable for Minecraft, since you share the entire space with many others. If one uses too much or has something running that draws RAM, then the other servers are involved. I also have the problem, although my server with 1.14.4 now has 12 GB RAM and uses the entire CPU.
With 2 players, the TPS is still at 20, but the more you get, the more it slips. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it other than to get a root server, which is usually out of the question, as this is a cost factor.
Possibly. Rent another V-Server with more RAM and CPU.


I have a total of 8 GB and 4 cores for me, which is significantly more than the normal MC hosters

I use 1.14.4 which needs very little RAM


You are wrong. From 1.14+, a lot of RAM is required, which the TPS show you. It also always depends on how many plugins you have, which, how many players and whether all plugins are configured correctly. If you are just on your own, check the latest log to see if everything is OK.
Maybe you have a lame internet line too. The reasons can be very varied.


Well 1.14.4 still needs less than 1.13 etc

Internet is fast enough, plugins are just a few economical ones

Minecraft TPS are at 14-18? Ph PhilipTitanium