How can I access or connect to a Minecraft server from Zap-Hosting with a Strato domain?

- in Servers

I bought a domain from Strato and now I want to connect it to my game server. I tried A-Records, but it didn't work, because when I access the domain from the MC Client the message comes up (probably because you can't specify a port): connection refused: no further information

Then I tried SPV records (but I'm not sure if I entered everything correctly), it didn't work either, only Unknow Host came.

Does anyone know how I connect a domain to a server?


If you have used an A record, you have to specify the port when connecting to the server. So port

Otherwise you can also use an SRV record. With this you specify the port and only have to enter the domain when connecting to the server.


So if I understand the right thing, do you want your domain to be able to join your MC server? Then you simply have to enter the IPv4 address from the server as an A record in the domain. If the server does not run via the standard port, you have to specify the port when connecting to the server behind the domain with:


Ok, thanks can you say very briefly what you write where, so what comes in the gap _Service._ protocol priority weight and goal?


A normal A record on the IP address of the server is sufficient.

If it should run without a subdomain, a corresponding SRV entry is still missing.

The port must of course also be specified, in the standard case it is 25565.


_Service._Protocol IN SRV Priority Weight Port Target

_minecraft._tcp. IN SRV 0 5 port ip

As far as I know this is correct but I'm not sure.


Since I'm currently on my cell phone and can't write so much, I will send you a link where the procedure is well explained.


I did it this way, but it still comes unknow host all the time